And exactly HOW would you prove the the 'weather conditions' at the time of the original Dyno were not SO wonderful as to have provided the excellent result?
Or that the exhaust used AT the original wasn't better than the 'test' example you just used? Or the Carb had not subsequently 'gone down'? Or that the PLUG had not deteriorated? Or that the cooling on the Dyno's radator hadn't placed the engine at a BETTER running temp..... Or that the engine had not DETERIORATED from the specifications current at the time of the original Dyno?
....and so on......
I am NOT a very good 'expert witness' but I think even I could give the 'original' Dyno operator a pretty damned FINE CHANCE of creating sufficient doubt....
Or.... finally,... very MUCH more to the point..... can you tell me EXACTLY how you get those LAZY G*I*T*S at the trading standards office to get off their FAT **SES to CHECK anything at ALL!!!!!
...... those of us who have TRIED to get trading standards to act against a company who were producing BULK COPIES Lotus 7 chassis and PASSING THEM OFF with dummy chassis plates as being GENUINE when I had presented them with recordings, photos, statements, etc., etc., etc., will be able to tell you that it's F***** IMPOSSIBLE to get them to act AT ALL!!!!!!........ (breathes deeply............ hold........ and exhale........ and relax.....)
As I said before..... we'd love to see you actually DO it! When you do.... please call me, before, so that I can watch!