Here's the excerpt from the manual in case you don't have it :
Beacon obscuring time. ---------------------- This function sets the beacon obscuring time. This parameter is important to avoid the risk of false lap time in case of more than one beacon transmitter on the track side ( if Infra Red receiver is employed ) or in case of multiple magnetic strips on the track (if magnetic receiver is employed and you don�t want to see split times). For instance, if your Lap time is about 1 minute, set this parameter at 50 seconds. AIM suggests always installing only one transmitter at the trackside. The Beacon obscuring time can be set between 3 and 59 seconds.
To run this function, after having entered the CONFIGURATION MODE, push MENU> to change digit. The blinking number identifies the digit that can be edited. Press button MEM to save the changes or button VIEW to discard the changes.
If you want to download the full manual, go to and see MyChron 3 Basic Manual version 1.03... there's a cell there containing a PDF that can be downloaded.
Hope this helps.