A properly done repair can be as strong as the original..... or even stronger!
Don't just 'slap it on'.... work out what the fibre and the resin actually DO! Resin is NOT a 'glue' to be used like making a model plane!
* make CERTAIN the area to be repaired is CLEAN and ROUGH. * Taper the edges of the 'join'. * Work quickly and smoothly. * 2 'passes' at the repair is better than a single hurried BOTCH! * Patch a LARGER area than you need. * If the damage was done by 'kerbing' (err..... avoid the kerbs....!) and add STRENGTHENING..... even by incorporating a metal plate witin the patch.
There's a Wiki on how to repair and Elise GlassFibre. Follow the basics from that..... or any other repair method that you COULD have found by using Google.....
Done properly, it'll withstand you JUMPING into it.....