The TKM programme will air next week, but the video files for your phone and/or itunes (easily converted for you to use on your website) are available now. Send a memory stick in a jiffy bag, (enclosing a stamped addressed jiffy bag inside for return to you) to:
Alan Taddei PO Box 3652 Chester CH1 9PJ
I am away Wednesday-Sunday at Rowrah so you may not get it sent until I return, unless I get it by Weds am.
I will be distributing the standard definition DVD's of the last round free to each driver in the cafe at Rowrah on Friday morning (hopefully showing the example on a portable TV) and will have the MSA and TKM dvd's with me as well if you happen to be there and want to collect them.
If you want your race video for your phone/itunes bring along a memory stick and I will transfer it on to the stick for you there and then, and you can see how it plays on a laptop via itunes as an example. Again, there is no additional charge for this service.
I will also be showing the last round in HD from a bluray disk. I will have a limited supply of these for sale as an option. I have used a high quality disk, tested them in a playstation 3 and LG bluray player and they seem to play perfectly well, but they will be sold with a guarantee they will play in your bluray player, or your payment refunded. The image quality is stunning as you would expect in full HD resolution (1920x1080). Only downside is there is no menu on the HD version, as I cannot currently add a menu, so the disk plays like a tape would. Cost will be �12 each, �20 for two, �27 for three.
If anyone wants just their race only in HD, to save fast forwarding (not necessary if yours is the first race on the disk really) I could burn your race only as an HD version if you wish. However, there is a time element involved, so you would need to order at least three of these to justify the time it will take to do this.