It may be down to the class or sites that you race at.
Some tracks seem to attract older grids, others promote younger grids. It is also self perpetuating, if the grids are filled with young hot-heads who have been taught that only winning matters and taking a chance through a gap that doesn't exist, riding a kerb 'up the inside' and so on are acceptable normals and unpunishable, then the older drivers will find a different grid / different track. (indeed more that one track have created 'Masters' classes for older drivers who find the behaviour of younger drivers unacceptable).
At the same time you will also find it is a national phenomenon, the pattern of spending has changed, with children having become far more expensive over the last decade. Notice how much of advertising is directed at things aimed at children, not for nothing have the advertisers noted the value of 'pester power'.
There is also a political dimension too. The government has been raising taxes year in, year out and this absorbs the disposable income that used to be spent by unencumbered adults on things like karting.