The wish list of many circuits is to upgrade facilities, however one of the major problems faced by circuit owners and clubs is not the will to improve, nor indeed the available finance in some cases its the local planning authority that will be a major sticking point as you now even need planning permission for a container in many areas as well as new hard standing. I know John will confirm that I have some 'experience' in these areas being on the receiving end of negative council decisions so don't blame the clubs or indeed the landowner if facilities are not to your liking unless you know the full history of the venue, you may well be surprised at some of the efforts and investment put in to upgrading facilities that become total losses in terms of improvements seen. I do have to agree that all of us would enjoy top class facilities to use, but unfortunately, in some cases at least, we will have to live with what we have or move to a country with a more positive approach to leisure facilities and less of a 'NIMBY' attitude.