Look.... it's simple.....
We haven't seen your kart so we can't KNOW...... but... the solution is EASY and the way of doing this should be part of your 'repertoire' on HOW to repair something!
You have the solution in your HANDS!
You KNOW some component in a series of components is 'stiffer' than you expect. You are already in the process of dismantling the steering..... so....
You can 'FEEL' the stiffness at the steering wheel so that's the FINAL component to check. Start by 'feeling' and 'remembering' the 'stiffness' and then concentrate on the FURTHEST object way from the steering wheel.... and that's the Stub axle! You do THAT by unbolting the track-rod AT the stub axle. Then re-feel the steering stiffness and see if it's 'gone'.... if it has.... then it is IN the STUB AXLE because disconnecting THAT cured the problem. Go and fix the stub....
.... If it DOESN'T cure it, disconnect the OTHER stub and test again..... then remove ONE trackrod and feel THAT at the steering wheel..... if the stifness has gone... it was THAT track rod..... if not..... disconnect the OTHER track-rod........ and so on......
This stuff is SIMPLE! You can use that technique to 'find' MOST of your problems in karting...... and.... in reality...... in your daily LIFE!
And it'll take LESS time than waiting for our 'guesses' at the problem......!