Actually thought some of Jambo's comments are not too far off this time.
I set my Sky reminder, for 8.10 on the schedule, only to drop in on time, to find the programme already finished with minimax, thats not Alan's fault, but Motors. His commentary audio is strangely too low, but tbh I don't not hearing it.
Thought the racing coverage was a bit better, or the racing part was longer or was the programme longer? As there appeared to be more racing, and it made a bit more sense.
The onboard cameras are a mixed bag some spot on some not.
I'm not sure going out of the way to make a point of showing the after race stuff, and 'outting' drivers (who admittedly may have been acting like an idiot), or pointing out what the officials have missed and ought to have been addressed, is either good for the driver, who is paying in part for the tv production (is he going to pull his entry?), good PR for the championship (looking in), or the MSA, or in fact for Alan, seems like a rod for his own back at a later date. Surely it would have been better to have made the footage available privately to the appropriate parties, to take any action deemed necessary before the next meeting.
But saying all that I thought it is improving as a programme.