In France the only option from 10 is what amounts to a Super Cadet, weight is 120KG and the engines are 85cc 14HP IAME PUMA. For all sorts of reasons it is a complete disaster. Dangerous, unequal, uncompetitive, expensive etc. etc. At last count there where only 16 entries for the next round of the French championships which is for all drivers between 10 & 12, that's how bad it is. For me a 2000 mile round trip to the UK is the only way to enter a decent competitive kart race.
Those with any will to improve things here are pushing to introduce a UK style Cadet chassis with the Gazelle 60cc (Easy Kart) cadet engine.
Isn't it funny how the grass is always greener.
IMO Super Cadets and the move towards timed qualifying risks killing off the enormous advantage that UK karting has, as a source of driving talent.