Just an off the cuff remark , but your not going to improve anything without a sound benchmark to work with .
slapping on all sorts of tyres won't tell you whether you driving is wayward , your chassis setup is completely wrong for the day , or if your motor is not jetted right .
there are so many things that affect your laptime , it varies month to month on track conditions for those of us who race so what are you trying to achieve.
First off consistant driving , when you get good you'll lap over and over again within maybe a 10th per lap .... once you can do this you can see what changing things do in a day ,make notes of what does what .
if your driving for fun ,have fun , if your setting yourself goals then go about them in a logical fashion .
that way you will learn consistent driving skills , how to set up a chassis ,and how it behaves when its not right , all making a complete driver.