1) Accuracy to the level you seem to be chosing TRULY doesn't MATTER! Use the same degree of accuracy as you do towards the relative weights of each side of the chassis.... with you aboard. If that's only accurate (if you measure it AT ALL) to within 5% of the the combined weigth of you and the kart, then that's the percentage of 'width' about which you should be concerned. The have a giggle..... and move about in the seat as much as you do when you are RACING (head, arms, shoulders, leaning, etc..) You'll be surprised how MASSIVELY your corner weights change....
Out of interest, have you ever MEASURED the time difference in performance between you rear track when it is 1mm OFF what you thought it was.......?
2) If you insist.....remove wheels and stubs. Measure the length of axle which over-hangs the bearings on both sides to an accuracy of your choice. Measure the length of each stub to that same degree. Refit stubs and wheels, measure the length of axles overhanging the face of the stubs and adjust with reference to the differences shown by the previous measurement.....
3) Get realistic..... measure to an accuracy of 1cm....... that's PLENTY accurate enough!