and post race scrutineering:- pay particular attention to your carb springs,starter motor and battery,the NKRA have issued a reminder,and if you have not visited the Planet karting/NKRA website recently YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW "ignorance is not innocence" in the MSA Bible they are going to enforce the rules already in place.
1/ = wrong length springs check the length ,however you can be guilty of this oversight, be non compliant at the end of a final,then get the 2nd place trophy and club points,downgrading 3rd who was compliant !!!! heresay has it the digital callipers used were not certificated.
2 = Starter motors you must have the one from Tabor/IAME with the ##/## numbers on the armature can ,�125 instead of �49.99 for a copy Rotax that will do the job,some people have even been putting their old starter cans on cheaper starters tut tut !!!.
3 = Battery,Fiamma ## ### at �49.95,no more �8 alarm batteries.
Cheap racing !!!!