Say what??? A bit more coherence might be helpful.
By all means promote F6 � or whatever other race series � and I have no doubt they�re a friendly bunch of people. But effectively saying, in answer to a specific question about the Swissauto (the manufacturer spells it as one word! Why does everyone on here insist on splitting it?), that the F6 power limit is fluid up to 35hp is perhaps not the best way to go about it.
Nor is a feeble attempt to trash a different choice of engine really going to help your cause, especially when riddled with basic falsehoods: Aixro owners are unwelcome at only two tracks � where I have yet to be convinced that the reasons are anything other than political. These same two tracks allow all manner of gearbox karts. 125cc gearbox karts produce similar performance; 250cc gearbox karts are clearly faster. Go figure. And when you have, perhaps you'd explain the logic to the rest of us. Or perhaps you would argue that all karts over 35hp should be banned? Then, too, it might be easier to take you seriously.
And, oh, �probably the best engine out there�: There�s no probable about it � by far and away the best. Or can anyone really make a case against that statement?
Back to the original question:
Ian put it in a nutshell � try before you buy. You are then likely to have a crystal clear idea of what you want. Simple.
OK, back to the beach�