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Re: Timecode
Posted by 'Alan' on 25 Aug 2010 @ 12:51

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was added in error by.... Motors TV.... as was pointed out in the earlier thread, which you have conveniently forgotten.

It was not in the supplied programme clearly, not least because as a STUDENT of these things, you would know that any timecode I would have used for synching as standard in an EU programme would start at 10:00:00:00, and not 00:00:00:00, as this one seemed to. As it wasn't set up at 10:00:00:00, it was clearly automatically added in error by the software they are using and they did not check the film before broadcast. They spotted their mistake and have changed it in subsequent broadcasts, and apologised to me for the error. The freezing of the programme (you haven't mentioned) for 5 secs or so in a couple of points is some issue they have at the broadcast end, and are investigating. I'm sure anyone who has the DVD will explain that these issues do not appear on the DVD version, and the picture quality will be better than a 5.5Mb/s bandwidth broadcast, which compares to poor quality VHS.

I think your agenda is becoming more obvious as your postings continue to spew out this vitriol. For the record, notwithstanding some technical issues in the filming, editing and commentary that have already been pointed out by others, I have enjoyed watching the Kartmasters programmes. Any Karting on TV is good for the recognition and promotion of the sport, and the technical issues do not really affect how well the Kartmasters coverage promotes the sport as a product. Quite how your vitriol, having only ever signed up to make negative comments about the S1 programmes, help this promotion, I don't know.

Any comments made constructively I have listened to and acted upon as far as possible, most of which come to me via email, phone calls and personal comments made to me at the circuit. The "earlier results" graphic in each race is an example of this. We don't film the heats or final 1, but now reference the results for the top 3 in each. That came about as a constructive criticism made to me personally, and discussing sensibly how we could recognise earlier efforts in the meeting.

How the end product actually ends up looking on Motors TV, with a bandwidth that seems to fluctuate (called statistical multiplexing for adverts (best quality) v programmes), is not something I can directly control. Motors TV are to shortly experiment with 12-15 M/bs bandwidth (what they call HD, although it is still well below the 35Mb/s resolution we film at), which will improve their output quality.

I seem to remember you saying you were "hoping to be involved with filming Super 1" or words to that effect, before the season started. I assume therefore, as Ben did pitch for it, you are a colleague of his, or hoped to be.

But.... If you were hoping to be involved as a cameraman etc.... at what point before the season started after you found out that I was to produce the coverage did you phone me and ask if I might have a spot for you? My phone number has been readily available on this site, and I have used people who contacted me as a result of this. Give me a call on 0871-220-5365 if you have something positive to offer.

However, if all you want to do is attempt to denegrate our product or how we produce it technically, carry on. "HE was displaying timecode" is a libel by the way..... as I being the HE concerned did NOT display timecode by supplying it to the broadcaster. Think on when you make such ridiculous and false comments.... they can get you into trouble. By all means make a subjective comment based on an opinion, but please don't state an opinion as fact when it is not.

Just as an aside, one person did contact me to ask about the productions and how I produced them, saying he was interested in getting involved in the industry. I invited him to come and stay with me for two days and watch how the programme was edited. He did just that, and I spent a lot of time demonstrating how the programme was made, some of the technical issues I had to deal with, the mistakes (big mistakes in some cases) we made and I had to correct, and technical methods of editing that might take years to discover, such as adjusting under exposed images using composite modes and opacity rather than CC, all shown to him free of charge.....

I would have been happy to offer you the same courtesy. As a minimum.... you could have found out how NOT to do it if you think I don't know what I'm doing. I can assure you, based on some of the nonsense you have written on this site, I know more than you currently. That may change in the forthcoming years.... but for now you continue to demonstrate your ignorance based on an agenda only you can answer about.

Message Thread:

Costa - TKM Festival on TV  by 'JamboH'   (24 Aug 2010 @ 1:14)
Re: Costa - TKM Festival on TV  by 'JoeKarter'   (24 Aug 2010 @ 2:51)
Re: Costa - TKM Festival on TV  by 'richydehav'   (24 Aug 2010 @ 11:22)
Re: Costa - TKM Festival on TV  by 'SteveGraves'   (26 Aug 2010 @ 0:15)
Re: Costa - TKM Festival on TV  by 'buzzinrussell'   (24 Aug 2010 @ 21:27)
Re: Costa - TKM Festival on TV  by 'Newshound'   (24 Aug 2010 @ 21:31)
Re: Costa - TKM Festival on TV  by 'buzzinrussell'   (24 Aug 2010 @ 22:04)
Re: Timecode  by 'Alan'  << You are here!
Costa - TKM Festival on TV  by 'CostaLott'   (31 Aug 2010 @ 20:09)

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