Now this is a question thats been going over and over in my mind since around 11.30am on saturday at rissy. Those that have read my post re back protectors will be aware that my son was involved in a serious crash at rissy when another kart hit his rear wheel at exactly the angle required to launch the other kart skywards hitting my son initially in the head before the kart landed on top of him slamming his head in to the steering wheel hard enough to bend it. The rear of the kart then continued over using his arm for traction before impacting his head yet again throwing him back against the seat. So I've been asking myself did having exposed rear wheel cause this accident and TBH I dont think it was the primary cause. The main cause I believe was that the driver who tried to push through on the inside when there wasn't a gap expected to impact the bumper/bodywork of my sons kart and force it out of the way. Sadly they didn't accout for the fact that there was another kart on the outside of my sons which prevent his kart from moving sideways, hence the accident. This accident was the result of someone feeling to confident in their own safety and pushing the rules with poor driving. Following the accident while my son was being very carefully extricated from his kart on to a spinal board the race director had very very strong words with the whole grid showing them the wreck of my sons helmet and warning of severe penalties if any further example of this type of driving occured. So for me if people are serious about improving saftey then a serious crack down on driving standards is required, not more protection on the kart. The kart that hit my sons very nearly flipped. had it done so then they would have been injured. Had the kart on the outside not manage to clear my sons before the other kart went over the top it would have landed on them aswell. They very nearly required 3 air ambulances instead of one.