Let's just skip over the SPECTACULAR irony of you saying:
"This opinion lecturing posting happens too much on this forum. "
...... after writing a HUGE lecturing reply.
Let's also skip over the comment of 'well said' and then moving onto ASSUME that David did not APPRECIATE my input...... I do NOT get the message from his reply...... but YOU clearly DID!
Let's also skip over you silly comment about someone 'going on' when I only YESTERDAY received a complaint from Alfie Moon that I had NOT been detailed enough in my replies.
And let's ALSO skip over the facts that David asked for EVIDENCE and all YOU gave him was O*P*I*N*I*O*N based on S*D *LL! Please note, unlike YOU I tried to give David the FACTS and YOU just gave him your opinion, becasue you clearly do NOT know the FACTS.... which is EXACTLY what you just objected to IN MY REPLY!
That's probably the MOST layered set or Irony on Irony I have EVER SEEN!
Finally, I don't think that David or **I** '.....ask for your opinion' to quote yourself! And that's tye iceing-layer of Irony on your comment!