Take Bod's advice.... post when YOU want to and don't worry at ALL about what I (or anyone else) might say! The only people with any 'POWER' here are Dick and Martin and they will 'erase' any comments of which they don't approve! This is a site of free speech so long as the comments are legal and within the 'rules'! All the rest of us are merely WINDBAGS!
However, decide for yourself if you should follow Bod's advice about ignoring my comments.....
By all means, ignore EVERYTHING that I say but, if you follow Bod's EXAMPLE of 'ignoring Ian' rather than his advice, then our conversations will be un-ending!...... tee hee...... Bod DOES make me laugh! He and I are MUCH more alike than he wants to admit!
As a final giggle: read what Bod CLAIMS is his view of those who insult people ...... and then work out how you should feel about Bod's personal insults..........
If you only have half the brain you appear to, you'll get the irony .... sadly, Bod won't!