Tyres - There are a lot of commercial issues to why the Rotax SL6 suffered this season in quality. what people do not realise is that JAG normally put the tyre order in to Vega in the August for the next seasons tyres, so when people say i have a differnt batch it is actually not true. One batch for one year! This year the tyres were fine at the start of the season until just before the first S1 round. Concious that Rotax were going MOJO 2011, not enough tyres were ordered so Vega rushed a batch of tyres which usually should sit curing for 3 months in the wrapper - this was done a couple of weeks before the S1 at PFI!
Also Vega advised Rotax that the new SL6 would be considerably slower than previous as the carcinogenic compound had been removed. Vega recommended to go softer to match the performance, for me the easiest solution would be to place the SL8 compound in the SL6 mould as Junior tyres are ok!
So to cut a long story short it is not a Vega issue that caused the quality issue of the SL6 this year. Commercial decisions ruined a lot of peoples racing including mine! The KGP XH tyre is mega...best tyre in the UK by far.
KGP won't be dearing than Rotax, you can fiche the engine yourself. There are tolerances which anyone can take the motor too. To win S1 in max you need 20 coils/power valves/exhaust to find the optimum engine package. Believe me i have been there.
KGP 2 engines 2 carbs 2 exhausts....grap hold of the jets and drive a proper kart on sticky tyres.
Simmo JNR