Grid positions for four heats and no final.
Write down grid positions in the form of columns.
The order for heat one can be by ballot, time, date of entry or what ever.
For heat two, find the mid point of the column, go down to the next line and write in the number that was on pole for the first heat. Under that the kart that was on grid two and so on down to the bottom of the column. When you get to the bottom put the next number at the top and carry on down until the column is filled.
For heat three, find the mid point again, but go to the next line above. Fill in the number of the kart that was on pole for the first heat, but this time write the numbers in going up to the top of the column. When you get to the top start at the bottom again and carry on until the column is full.
Heat four is the reverse order of heat one.
1 4 3 7 2 5 2 6 3 6 1 5 4 7 7 4 5 1 6 3 6 2 5 2 7 3 4 1
Grid sheets
2-1 5-4 2-3 6-7 4-3 7-6 7-1 4-5 6-5 2-1 5-6 2-3 -7 -3 -4 -1
Everyone�s grid positions add up to the same number in this example (1+2+3+4+5+6+7) x 4/7 = 16
Same method for odd or even number of competitors
Grid positions for three heats
Even number of competitors
Write down grid positions in the form of columns.
The order for heat one can be by ballot, time, date of entry or what ever.
For heat two, find the mid point of the column, go down to the next line and write in the number that was on pole for the first heat. Under that the kart that was on grid two and so on down to the bottom of the column. When you get to the bottom put the next number at the top and carry on down until the column is filled.
For heat three start at the bottom of the next column filling in the number of the kart that was on pole for heat one, miss out the next line up and then write in the number of the kart that was on grid two, miss out another line and fill in the number of the kart that was on three, carry on filling in alternate lines until you run out of lines at the top, then carry on from the bottom again filling in the empty lines.
1 4 6 2 5 3 3 6 5 4 1 2 5 2 4 6 3 1
Grid sheets
2-1 5-4 3-6 4-3 1-6 2-5 -6 -3 -1
Ideal grid positions should add up 10.5, in this example half add up to 10, the other half to 11.
Grid positions for three heats
Odd number of competitors
Write down grid positions in the form of columns.
The order for heat one can be by ballot, time, date of entry or what ever.
For heat two, find the mid point of the column and write in the number that was on pole for the first heat. Under that the kart that was on grid two and so on down to the bottom of the column. When you get to the bottom put the next number at the top and carry on down until the column is filled.
For heat three start at the bottom of the next column filling in the number of the kart that was on pole for heat one, miss out the next line up and then write in the number of the kart that was on grid two, miss out another line and fill in the number of the kart that was on three, carry on filling in alternate lines until you run out of lines at the top, then carry on from the bottom again filling in the empty lines.
1 5 4 2 6 7 3 7 3 4 1 6 5 2 2 6 3 5 7 4 1
Grid sheets.
2-1 6-5 7-4 4-3 1-7 6-3 6-5 3-2 5-2 -7 -4 -1
Each competitors grids add up to 12 in this example.
If the number of competitors exceeds that allowed per race the entry can be split into groups.
4 groups A B C D 6 heats AvB CvD BvC AvD BvD AvC
Trying to give everyone equal grids and pole side starts is impossible. The fairest way is probably to use time trials.
The easiest way without timing is to treat each group within a heat as a separate grid, write the columns down as in the previous examples (remembering to differentiate between odd and even, and that not all columns will be the same height). As you fill in the columns you are writing out the grid sheets.