"Regarding the MSA/ABKC, I think the MSA should only provide the regulatory framework/officials etc that we run under. The ABKC should be directly responsible for clubs and take more of a leading role as to how those clubs are run. There is currently too much variation between clubs as to communication with competitors, requirements from competitors, quality of information available, entry procedures, posting of race results etc."
However certain people running clubs are unhappy about the running of the ABKC, if only because it is itself a commercial venture directed by people who are themselves owners of clubs. It isn't difficult to see how well intentioned people could bias their actions to profit themselves while being utterly convinced that their way is the best for karting.
As an example, you can find the page on the ABKC website that talks about the major classes in Britain, one that completely ignores Formula Blue and promotes 100 National which another poster has pointed out is almost extinct. The only reason for the omission seems to be that Formula Blue is administered by the NKRA not ABKC....but is this sufficient reason to mislead people about major classes?
Elsewhere you will find people who are utterly convinced that to kart one has to join an ABKC affiliated club because that is what they have understood from ABKC literature. It is of course rubbish, the requirement for MSA driving is to be a member of an MSA affiliated club, not ABKC.
The advantage of the MSA structure is that the people overseeing the sport are not direct beneficiaries of the sport.
It is certainly not going to be acceptable for the ABKC to tell independent traders and clubs how to run their tracks and even less acceptable for the ABKC to be dipping further into the tracks' wallets for their unwanted advice.