I have been reading numerous threads with regards the issues people are having with the JKH/Storm chassis and feel astonished that the manufacture has not been in touch with their dissatisfied cumstomers...truly very bad customer service!
Right guys I have recently brought my two sons a couple of karts, ones a Cadet Italcorse running a Wtp b1 engine and the other is a TKM Venom chassis running a BT82 engine....dam where were these big boys toys when I was growing up...lol, All I had was a field bike...well if you can call a puch maxi a field bike!
Cut a long story short my son who has the TKM has broke his arm, so I said to him that I'd take it for a spin to make sure all was OK....dam what fun! I thought to myself I fancy some of that so ended getting a Intrepid Silverstone chassis as a project and to take part in some healthy father and son bonding (thats what I call it my wife says its a midlife crisis....lol). I know I have gone on a bit and now back to my subject/title, can you tell what age the chassis is by the number on it?
Intrepid-N 162CH/08 CIK-FIA Silverstone N 0665
Are these chassis any good and do they suffer from the same problems as the storm? I have no engine as yet and was thinking about sticking a 115cc TKM extreme engine on it. One more question wheel sizes what would you recomend. please excuse me if I seem very green, I will not beat around the bush "I am!".