Arai every time. Safety, quality, fit, finish, function, looks, cred. As all of these helmets pass Snell / CMR standards, I am sure all of them will give adequate protection in a typical crash. However, I would rather know that the company who made my helmet have been in high speed motorsports for decades, continually developing their products through experience of good and bad accident outcomes, and investing massively in technology to make sure that people wearing their helmets are given the best protection that money can buy. Some professional racers would rather BUY Arai than be given other brands - what does that tell you? You will never have to wonder "Should I have bought a..." and it won't even cost you more in the long run as assuming its kept clean and not damaged, you will get a lot more for it when you sell it than any other helmet. Sorry if this sounds like an ad for Arai. I have no connection with them other than using them in a range of (mainly 2 wheel) motorsports over the last 25 years for myself, and more recently for my sons, paying the Arai price, and never regretting it.