For precision, to WHICH 'angle' is the value you are giving, referring?
If it's the angle between the 'drag link' (part to which the track rods are bolted) and the stub axle (where the wheel slides onto) it'll have one effect.... and Paul is thus correct on Ackerman.... see this web site to WATCH the effects of changing the 'Ackerman' effect at the stub (one 'b')... This site let's you play with the effects:-
Be careful to read the whole article; three quarters of the people in karting keep calling the WRONG item: 'Ackerman Steering'. It's not ONE thing, it's an effect which can be altered by more than one change!
If it's the angle to which the stub axle is welded to the KingPin Post, then it's the Camber you are 'changing' and you need to look up the effects of camber changes.