"If the gas analyser's price dropped to �10 and the data storage for an entire meeting would fit on a single memory stick...... but that you STILL needed the �500,000 super computer to ANALYSE it, meaningfully..... .... NOW..... would you collect and store that data ....HOWEVER CHEAPLY....KNOWING that you could NEVER afford to analyse it??????"
in the real world you would never know for certain that you would never be able to afford to analyse it.
maybe this is the problem when you dont apply things to the real world.
if data gathering costs drop from 100k to �10 (and you have to remember that the costs are one off) a linked reduction would be expected in processing costs, indeed it might even be done in the same �10 device.
if the data is thought to be useful in the future then it is worth recording and keeping even if you cant currently analyse it.