Think through the problem.
Let's say that the minimum weight limit is (just to pick a number) 100kg.
You then say that you are allows (let's guess) a 1% discrepancy, thus 1kg 'lee-way'.
Now tell me the PRECISE differences between declaring 100kg with an error of 1kg and simply declaring the weight limit is 99kgs. Those two 'limits' are IDENTICAL in every degree.... they are just worded differently.
If you look at it like that, you'll see that 'tolerances' are plain silly. It's easier and less confusing to declare the weight limit is EXACTLY weight X than to have a 'pretend' limit with a slightly lower REAL limit.
You should be allowing for the 'tolerances' yourself. You KNOW that the scrutineering scales are not perfect and you KNOW they can be out by at least 1kg (or more.....!). You should, thus, be building the 'tolerance' into your weighing and setting the weight at (for example) 101kgs.... which gives you the tolerance you for which you were asking. In that way, YOU control the effect of inaccurate scales. You also contro, the degree of tolerance. 1% may be good for you but others may want 0.5% or 2%. This leaves YOU to decide your own tolerance level.