"What are peoples thoughts on kart being weighed after a heat/race and being found under weight by say 250g 500g 1kg "
There is already a tolerance. At one track the scales only measure to 100ths of a kilo, so the tolerance is 10 grams.
The book also says the scales on the day are the scales of judgement, so it's no use saying that "last week I only weighed X."
As for being of variable accuracy, the scales are required to have 100kg of test weights available and can be re-checked "on request from the stewards of the meeting" (E4.1.4)
So if you really feel there's an unacceptable discrepancy, your stewards are the people to contact. I don't think 2 kg is an unacceptable discrepancy across a week....one can lose that in sweat over a day.