i ve said this before, one way of reducing costs and get more people in.... reduce rebuilds. especially in cadets. why cant there be some way of policing this, they are sealed after all and some sort of penalty if you rebuild between races. also stars rounds this year, cadets can buy 2 sets of wets per round. so if its wet on both days, those with bigger budgets can run fresh tyres on the second day. there s no way we can get a set of slicks and 2 sets of wets every round. quick maths thats 2.5k just for stars rubber in a year. i also see the logic in having a longer race meeting thus saving on having to go to the club meeting the month before, but then karting at club level will suffer with the lack of entries from the "stars/s1 boys" (and girls) sorry. Also, shouldnt entering stars and s1 be earned?