I totally agree with you fatboynobby the power does need to be taken away from the sealing agents and as you correctly say GOOD engine tuners will always do well. I think we the parents that fund our kids racing should be given the choice if we want to undertake our own rebuilds I know every father out there does not possess the engineering / mechanical ability to rebuild / tune their own engines, but let�s be honest it is a two stroke they are not rocket science and I�m sure most Dads could learn just to do a top end rebuild / service if they tried. For the money no object brigade they can still spend a fortune with an engine tuner if they wish to, but the rest of us could happily keep our motors in peak condition being able to change the rings and so on when we wish at very little cost do the maths. Cost for me to change piston rings once you have brought a honing tool = �20.00 max , Cost for a sealing agent to do it �20.00 postage each way depending on where you engine tuner is = �40.00 1 hour labour charge form engine builder �35-50 depending on who you use, �20.00 for the rings themselves then plus VAT on top = �114.00 a saving of �94.00 times that by several times a year and there is considerable saving to made just on piston rings alone without anything else.