I agree with David and Andy.... if he's small and short....
... (the PERFECT shape for a kart 'God'.... mind you!)
.......then the kart is not being 'leaned over' as much by cornering as with taller/higher/..... FATTER drivers. Thus you can raise his seat (test it by sitting him on a cushion before moving the seat) to put more FORCE downward on to outside rear tyre.
Certianly, try pedal extensions. You used to be able to buy steering wheel extensions which fitted between the steering wheel and the column/boss to bring the wheel further back. At worst, you can make them yourself from QUALITY (please note) marine plywood. Make multiple disks, drill holes as required, varnish them (ships varnish), get longer STRONG bolts, make 'sandwich' of steering wheel, plywood disk, plywood disk,plywood disk,plywood disk, (repeat as required).... steering boss. Bolt tightly and he'll be able to reach the wheel! The original 'spacers' were 1 inch thick black plastic disks.
Hope this stuff helps..... it should!