This should be an easy fault to locate.
All you've done is replace the battery so it is very unlikely to be a board fault.
First, check the fit of the battery terminals individually.
Try each terminal in the connector and if one is loose, tweak it gently with pliers.
Don't overdo this as it could be difficult to remove next time.
The other bit to check is the small black plug that fits into the board.
The connector pins can break off in the connector as they are made of brass and the brass is of the wrong type which bends easily when hot but is very brittle when cold.
Plug the battery in and simulate the action of the battery cover being inplace and se what makes it go off.
If it is the plug assembly, it is quite easy to dismantle the Mycron and you could carefully solder the wires of the connector directly to the board.
Post up what you discover and see if we can help more.