Hi Brian, the reasons for rinsing was to remove any small particals that might have been removed from the outer sides of the unit. There is a small amount of turn=bulance occuring during the cleaning process and it is not unlikely to have a piece of debris sit in a jet port. Perhaps an air line might remove such articles but take care of your eyes.
In addition to advise before buying. Ask the manufactor of the cleaner in mind what is the hieght from bottom of tank to 'max fill level' You can not guesstimate the volumne of the carb to be cleaned will fit in the specified volumne of the tank. The article cleaned needs to be submerged.
Anyway new route.......... Post them to me I clean a couple of your carbs for a miniscule figure of a fiver and you pay the postage, hope that's not advertising. Give me a call 07889845681