Hi Gary, Many of us dads (and mums)have gone through this cycle. Please don't take what I suggest here as anything other than well meaning or implying I know anything about what sort of relationship you have with your lad at the track. But what I read between the lines of "ultimatums" is setting expectations and maybe taking the fun out of driving (which he sounds like he had before). I confess I've done the same myself and putting the enjoyment back is difficult. The brakes issue just sounds like an easy response for the lad to make. If you're seeing other issues on driving off line and slow then I think it's just an issue of focus for now. Just take a deep breath, try not to put undue pressure on as I think that's what he may be pushing back on. When I ran my lad with a team I had even more inner turmoil and expecting too much and it caused even more pressure and friction. There's no simple answer to this and worrying about the kart set up is probably the least of your worries. Just try to keep the enjoyment in what you do together and start to work more collaboratively, involving him in decisions, including if he does want to race next or not (and which I know how dissappointed I'd be if my lad didn't want to when I wanted him to).
Good luck with it and I hope in some way this helps.