When I first got into karting in 2004 I had no idea what I was doing, went to Forest Edge and found that people were aloof at best and damn rude at worst - enough so that it put me off doing it for a bit. I remember I absent mindedly walked under the corner of someone's open awning and the chap jumped out of his caravan to have a right go at me for getting anywhere near his "space".
However, after a few years away from karting, I returned to Forest Edge to find it to be a generally very helpful and welcoming place. I even ended up doing my ARKS there.
I think, to be honest, there are going to be one or two jerks at whatever kart club you go to, so don't let it bother you.
If you want a really friendly club though - get into Easykart. Great series and everyone's really helpful. Everyone's got the same kart so there's no reason not to help out!