Paul - the rules are all set out on pages 352 and 353 of your Blue Book - sections 7.9 and 7.10. You lad could have started from the back if the CoC in consultation with the Chief Scrutineer is satisfied that the kart is safe to continue without repair and the Chief Medical officer is satisfied the competitor is fitto continue racing. If your lad went upside down then they may have felt that despite him apparently being OK (and the kart) it would be safer for him to stop racing. difficul decision but if he had been allowed to carry on and came off complaining of severe neck pains then the claim could be made that the medics had been too hasty. As you say, it is all over now. we had an incident a few years ago at PF in Saturday practice and the local A&E put my lad's wrist in plaster so end of our racing for the weekend. Went to our fracture clinic in Oxford and they took one look at the X-ray and said (more or less) why the hell did they put plaster on? Perhaps a case of better safe than sorry?