My 14 year old son (driver) is upset tonight as I have just told him we will not be re-newing his licence for 2012 because I don't agree with this licence requirement.
There is now no real deterent for fathers/mechanics to be obnoxious in the pits. its a greater deterent to me that my son can be punished for any poor behaviour on my part so I have always been professional and toed the line.
Now there is no risk to the driver so when dad loses his licence(I doubt that anyone will once they have gone through the usuall long winded appeals process) all he does is get Mum, then Grandad, then uncle to get a licence at �16 a time and he can rant/rave and swear away.
Yet again another financial deterent for lads and dads compared with big money teams.
People wonder why the licence holder numbers are down - heres another example.
7 years ago when we started we found the sport to be fun and accesible now its just a joke, I used to advise people on how to start and gave loads of newbies plenty of help and guidance - now I just advise them to find something easier to do.
Its a shame.