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Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede
Posted by 'richydehav' on 16 Nov 2011 @ 11:41

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Joined: August 2006
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The PG licence form has to be sent in with the driver licence forms so if you have two children racing I don't see how you are going to add some other names.
Assigning your licence to someone else only applies when it is your children racing (are their names shown on the PG licence?) and you have submitted the permission form because you are not attending. You, as PG licence holder, remain responsible for the actions of your nominee so you need to ensure you trust the person not to get points on your licence. Would you loan your licence to a friend (if this is allowed)who had just lost their licence through their behaviour?
We really need to see this is action before it will be clear if it is of any benefit.

Message Thread:

Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it needed?  by 'Spice'   (15 Nov 2011 @ 20:39)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'davidmc'   (15 Nov 2011 @ 21:02)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'Spice'   (15 Nov 2011 @ 21:27)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'davidmc'   (15 Nov 2011 @ 22:44)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'richydehav'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 8:11)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'Graham S'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 9:34)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'davidmc'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 10:18)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'richydehav'  << You are here!
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'davidmc'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 11:57)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'KJM'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 12:58)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'richydehav'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 12:59)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'SteveGraves'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 14:23)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'wavedyellow'   (17 Nov 2011 @ 22:51)

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