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Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede
Posted by 'davidmc' on 16 Nov 2011 @ 11:57

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"Would you loan your licence to a friend (if this is allowed)who had just lost their licence through their behaviour?"

They would never have had to have held a license.

If I lost my PG license, what is to stop my partner applying for their own PG license, then submitting the permission form for me to sign the child on? How many PG licenses will one child be allowed to appear on? If it's more than one, the license is ineffectual; the scope is wide enough for anyone to sign them on. If it's only one, the license is no different to putting points on the childs own license.

Message Thread:

Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it needed?  by 'Spice'   (15 Nov 2011 @ 20:39)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'davidmc'   (15 Nov 2011 @ 21:02)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'Spice'   (15 Nov 2011 @ 21:27)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'davidmc'   (15 Nov 2011 @ 22:44)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'richydehav'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 8:11)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'Graham S'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 9:34)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'davidmc'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 10:18)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'richydehav'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 11:41)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'davidmc'  << You are here!
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'KJM'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 12:58)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'richydehav'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 12:59)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'SteveGraves'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 14:23)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'wavedyellow'   (17 Nov 2011 @ 22:51)

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