"ohh dear you dont have a clue what your talking about :D wont argue tho :D"
Clearly a lot more than you.
"f the floor tray did ANYTHING to teh stiffness within about 5 mins the floor tray tabs would have snapped." A half inch of weld will support over half a ton of tension. Stick half a ton of tension into a kart and you can get all sorts of unexpected reactions.
"as for the bumper have you ever put one end of a bumper into a vice and twisted it in the direction it would be moved."
Much more usefully, I have watched the change in the shape of a kart as a bent bumper is tightened up or loosened.
"the floor tray and bumpers do NOthing to the handling FACT."
You are full of assertions, but short on accuracy.
One of the reasons floor tray lugs snap and bumpers break without apparently being hit at the time is because they are put under load. If they are under load they are altering the behaviour of the kart. Sometimes that can be a significant alteration, sometimes not.
I would agree that a properly fitted floor tray and a properly fitted bumper should have little effect, but we are discussing a kart that may not have been stress relieved before checking for alignments.