This comes across rather as though you are pleading for a change that you must know the vast majority simply do not want. So I don�t quite see the point. Much of your reasoning is highly debatable, too � and has been debated ad infinitum, which is why it gets a bit tedious.
It�s market forces; you cannot compel people to buy something they don�t want. And you�re the mirror opposite of that old-school 2/ fraternity that says �everyone should have� 100cc air-cooled dd karts. They�re not going to have their wish fulfilled either.
OK, so maybe it�s not quite market forces because there is an incumbent industry-led bias in the rule making. But that isn�t the reason why Rotax dominates.
Finally, it cannot have escaped your notice that the only 4-stroke that dyed-in-the-oil 2-strokers can contemplate accepting is Wankel. Every single time a thread about �a move to 4-stroke� starts, it ends in discussion of rotary engines. It is crystal clear that, for karting, this is by far the best alternative currently available. Indeed, it is also substantially superior to any 2-stroke engine currently available; few 2-strokers would even argue with that statement.