Same happened at whilton this weekend too, not at the start but during the race.
I was off the pace so had front row seat most of the day.
Im getting so fed up with side swiping becoming common practise that I'm ready to pack in club racing completely, and just race with people who understand how to race hard but fair.
I saw people deliberately turn hard into the other drivers trying to overtake. i had it done to me up the hill towards christmas. the driver turned and looked at me and then swiped right to put me on the grass.
I saw a driver try to put chris macarthy on the grass as he was on the inside about to overtake down the hill in the final which was shocking.
I saw number 45 turn in on 83 in snr max causing them both to crash (same driver side swiped me up the hill, in front of many shocked people)
Thing is the week before at FKS drivers would squeeze at a reasonable speed up to the inside line, but had the respect to know when to stop squeezing.
90% of the time its the same drivers. Infact from most entry lists at tracks i race at i know which drivers are going to be problems.
They wonder why people go into cars.......its because the driving standard at club level is at rock bottom.
Danlee i feel your pain.