The current cadet class structure is already a mess why would you suggest fragmenting it anymore?
The very wide age range in cadets means that the most successful drivers are generally those who start practicing at 6 or 7 and race all the way through until they are 13+ (in some cases very nearly 14) and have significantly more racing experience. I think if you check the list of Cadet Champions over the last 5 years the large majority are 12 or 13 and have been driving since before they were 8.
For those of you who want no minimum weight I am sure you will not be too happy in 18 months when little Johnny reaches 10 and shoots up and out and you are too heavy for cadet so you have to change classes, probably just about the time when you have sussed the new cadet class and your lad or lass is getting near the front. Be careful what you wish for!!.
As for weight based restrictors, Junior Tkm has been successfully operating this system for a couple of years and is going from strength to strength. It can work but there are always �optimum� operating conditions so even with restrictors some combinations work better than others.