It the colloquial title given to the 'licence' that the authorised Parent or Guardian (hence PG licence) must take with him to any situation involving the child, like signing on or going to see the CoC officially.
It was apparently invented because there were an increasing number of abusive parents, abusive to staff and officials that is, who were overstepping the mark and causing the officials to take action.
Originally that action had always rebounded on the child, the parent thumped someone and the child got thrown out of the meeting.
It was thought that being able to take away the Parents licence was somehow useful. The results haven't been published, perhaps the parent of a cadet or Junior could comment on ho many offences they know have been stopped by this measure.
So if you are going to start your child karting, anyone who brings the child to a meeting will have to have their own licence. If the mother will come one week and you the next, then that's two licences!