Thanks for the comments. Tom did all he could to catch up; putting it on pole for the final with some quick lads racing. Tom has been a worthy contender all year, it's a shame there can't be a joint winner! First corner at Fulbeck is not normally too much of a lottery but Tom fell foul of itin the final. We have learnt to expect something in the first corner and just forget it, get your head down and make the most of what you are dealt through the rest of the race. We thought we had thrown it away with a bent axle in the third heat and not much time to replace it before the final. I'm not sure what is worse - trying to drive 110% or driving safe at 80% to finish with just enough points. Either way it was entertaining all year with joy and despair at times through the year, with spanners and parts flying to change kart set up with minutes to go with very changeable conditions at some rounds. Decisions made that worked a treat and others that were a total failure. Lets hope we have a good fair battle next year in Junior at Fulbeck. Cheers Paul