Don't add it up; it's not good. try to keep a sensible, economise where you can, fancy paint job on the helmet or top helmet or top race suit doesn't get you a win. We compared all no essential costs to a price of a set of tyres - and then generally don't buy those non esentials. Also we don't go on a anuual �5K holiday to the sun every year - just psread our fun through the year on karting. Finally we have two teenage boys whom will be with us for only a few more years, when the fly the roost they have their own life, we don't want to look back thinking and wishing we had done more when they were at home. As for cars - I've had the fast cars - evos, scoobies etc, fun but expensive and nowt special after a few weeks / months, not interested in cars now so long as it is cheap and it gets you to where you want to go.