For 12 years we have had Rotax telling us what we cannot do, they stopped us using different idle tubes and jets years ago. So now all 12.5 carbs will be scrap along with K27 needles. Drivers will have to go out and buy 7 idle jets and 7 idle (�100+)tubes and test, and test then test again to see what are the best combinations. How can that be good ? Also not letting drivers set the float heights ? Plus reading the reg's and they don't say for example that you cant run a 3.6 and 5.2 float in the same carb. I'm lucky i kept all my idle tubes and idle jets and know which combinations work. But what about all the other racers out there. Why could'nt they have left it with both 12.5 and 8.5 carbs but say let you use either 60/60 or 30/30 in either carb? They should have sorted carbs out years ago and gone for the Dellorto 30 (as ROK) or gone for a CIK carb & airbox.