Mr Banzai, the numbers you have used don't prove any point. The cash reserves of the club will just be the money the club has generated over its period of operation. The figure to some extent is also meaningless as there is no information as to the businesses historical cash levels... it may have been much higher previously. �40k isn't a massive figure for a company of this size in its circumstances.
I can't work out if you are inferring that Rita and Steve took an approx. salary of �2.5k each every year?! Irregardless, I am sure they would have been paid for their work for the club accordingly, at a rate at which they found appropriate, so it's hardly as though they will have been hard done, financially speaking, for their efforts.
Unless someone hires Poirot, I am pretty sure we'll never know the whole story. There is clearly some ulterior motives from both parties.
The only thing to have come to light from these events is that neither party could organise a pizz up in a brewery. By not co-operating, they've scored a spectacular own goal - one of the biggest UK tracks/clubs with a never seemingly ending stream of competitors etc decides to implode on itself at the start of the season. Not to mention the childish sounding tit-for-tat press releases that have been produced in the last couple of weeks or so.
Just my opinion.