As Greme correctly stated the scales in use are deemd to be correct as "the scales of the day" however all clubs are required to gain a certificate of inspection and calibration from a qualified body on an annual basis and make this certificate available for inspection upon request. Naturally many things can influence the accuracy of load cell weighing platforms such as the ambient temperature, indeed if it is a wet day it is inevitable that amounts of water get deposited on the platform which can further influence the reading especially if the unit is not rare re set every time. The best advice is to request an official to weight check your kart & pilot dry and dry of fuel and then ensure you have an additional error margin of a few hundred grams . 1kg over weight will not influence your result by any decker able margin however 100 gramms under WILL have a profound effect on your result and is not open to appeal, under weight is underweight however you look at it.