I've just copied this post from the 4 stroke forum from Henry12345.. what do the other Indiekart drivers think of Wigan trying to do this ? "i was racing at hooton park on sunday ( great day sad about the rain ) when i found out about wigan,, why have wigan put on a none m.s.a event on the same day as hooton,, there are only so many karters and some may leave hooton to go to wigan,, hootons loss wigans gain but i am thinking if wigan had there race event on a differant day then the karts from hooton could go to wigan both tracks would not be trying to get the same karts if i could i would do both but i am not leaving hooton i like it there ,, there were over 100 karts at hooton last summer it would be nice to see 100 karts at hooton one weekend and 100 karts at wigan the next weekend both tracks would be in the money no one would loose "