B.15 Fire Extinguishers: All drivers must have present at race meetings a fire extinguisher to BSEN3 or EN3 standard with a minimum 55B rating. Environmental scrutineers will carry out spot checks in the paddock. (Note: Type B means for use with flammable liquids, and the 55 refers to the capacity. The actual extinguishant is not specified, but Halon is no longer legal in the UK). Fire extinguishers must be kept at the entrance to the competitors pit space at all times. It is recommended that competitors with enclosed awnings have a minimum of a 2kg foam or powder extinguisher, and if more than one private competitor is sharing the awning then a minimum of two 2kg extinguishers be available. Commercial enterprises should be aware of Health and Safety at Work legislation and provide a minimum of two 6kg foam or powder extinguishers to be placed at the entrance(s) of the awning.