To be sure it's sabotage.... you'd need to be able to assure us that:-
1) There was no possibility that it was knocked while you cleaned the kart 2) there was no possibility that a tool you were using fell out of your hands and struck the jet 3) He couldn't have accidentally rested his hand on the carb whiile waiting on the dummy grid and caught it on his glove.... 4) and so on through about 1,000 other possible accidental ways it could have happened.
I'd also need to feel sure that your lad was enough of a threat to other, quick, drivers to make your son of worth while interest to 'them'.
Of course it's possible..... but, having made MILLIONS of errors myslef throughout my life that I'd deeply LOVE to blame on 'saboteurs' when I should really ONLY be blaming myself..... I tend to doubt most claims about saboteurs.
Still.... I never WAS quick enough to be a threat to the 'quick boys'....